Displaying 1 - 19 of 19 in total
Season 2, Episode 7: It’s time to vote!
For this final episode of Season 2, Ahmed and Keren invite Omar Yaqub and Lisa Pruden (your behind-the-scenes teamsters) to talk about what it means to get out and vot...
Season 2, Episode 6: Who gets a say, and how do we decide?
Ahmed and Keren dig deep into voting. Who gets to be counted, and who doesn’t? Why should we bother to participate in a system that doesn’t represent us? And amidst a ...
Season 2, Episode 5: Can we talk?
Ahmed and Keren reflect on their experiences as they go door-to-door to meet fellow community members on the campaign trail. The kindness, the frustration, and what it...
Season 2, Episode 4: A local economy that includes all voices.
Ahmed and Keren get into the local economy, celebrating how diverse businesses and social organizations make our communities special.
Season 2, Episode 3: Getting from point A to B - how hard is it really?
Keren and Ahmed talk transit. How do we approach it? Who is it working for? And most importantly, how could we do transit in a way that empowers the people who use it?
Season 2, Episode 2: Whose issue is it anyway?
Ahmed and Keren explore the nuances of intersectionality, recognizing shared experiences and finding opportunities to collaborate across social divides.
Season 2, Episode 1: We're back! On the campaign trail
Keren and Ahmed are back for season 2 of OtherWise, sharing the highs and lows of life on the campaign trail. On this episode, they discuss balancing family while navi...
Where are you REEEEALLY from? Part 2
Part 2 of a discussion on finding home and a sense of belonging in Edmonton.
Where are you REEEEALLY from? Part 1
Part 1 of a discussion on finding home and a sense of belonging.
Gendered Movements from the Other Side
Join Maegan Robinson-Anagor in conversation with Maham Djinn and Fabrice Manzi as they discuss their perspectives as people of colour, how they fit within the popular ...
Boats That Brought Us Here
Learn about the stories of the “boat people,” as told from mother to daughter.
Appropriation of Dance
There is a fine line between the appreciation and appropriation of both the dance styles and the cultures within which they are intertwined.
We Launched!
Keren Tang and Ahmed Ali (Knowmadic) reflect back the launch of the podcast which took place at the ALIF Partners office on September 2018.
Diversity and The Arts
Join Knowmadic as he digs deep to find cultural treasures left behind.
Who is Black Community? Part 2
Part 2 of a discussion on the diversity of Edmonton's Black communities.
Who is Black Community? Part 1
Part 1 of a discussion on the diversity of Edmonton's Black communities.
Treaty People
In this episode, we explore the significance of land acknowledgement, what it means to be a treaty person as a newcomer immigrant, and the relationship between newcome...
OtherWise Team
The OtherWise team discuss their reasons for wanting a platform that showcases the diverse stories of the "Others" living in Treaty Six territory.
The Introduction
Ahmed Ali and Keren Tang explain the who, what, where and why's of OtherWise.