Gendered Movements from the Other Side

Join Maegan Robinson-Anagor in conversation with Maham Djinn and Fabrice Manzi as they discuss their perspectives as people of colour, how they fit within the popular discourse, and being in states of vulnerability.
The rise of gendered social movements such as #metoo, #timesup, and #muterkelly have sparked greater conversations in regards to the relationships between men and women, power dynamics, and what it means to hold ourselves and our communities accountable. We rarely come across the narratives of people of colour in regards to these movements. Join Maegan Robinson-Anagor in conversation with Maham Djinn and Fabrice Manzi as they discuss their perspectives as people of colour, how they fit within the popular discourse, and being in states of vulnerability.

OtherWise is a member of the Alberta Podcast Network (APN), powered by ATB. This episode is sponsored by the Edmonton Community Foundation and APN.

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